The Tatum Quilt Pattern is here!!


Northview Quilt: The Forest Foliage One

Northview Quilt:  The Forest Foliage One

Sometimes, inspiration comes from the most unexpected places. Did you know that my inspiration for the Northview Quilt came from tile I stared at every day at work?  Yep, the boring grey and black tile was so drab, yet it sparked an idea that ultimately became the Northview Quilt Pattern.

Oh, and did you know the Northview Quilt is a FREE pattern?

Mastering Quilting: The Ultimate Guide to Accelerating Your Skills and Creativity

Mastering Quilting: The Ultimate Guide to Accelerating Your Skills and Creativity
Are you starting to feel like you’re in a quilting rut?  Maybe you’re tired of your quilting projects looking like just another average creation?  If so, it’s time to take your quilting skills from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned quilter, these game-changing tips will unleash your creativity and spark new inspiration to transform your projects into stunning works of art.

Tutorial: Net Piecing with the Northview Quilt

Tutorial:  Net Piecing with the Northview Quilt
In this blog post, I'll share how I net pieced my baby Northview quilt top to finish it fast!

The Northview Quilt Pattern. A FREE pattern!

The Northview Quilt Pattern.  A FREE pattern!
The Northview Quilt Pattern!  A free pattern by Nollie Bean :)