The Tatum Quilt Pattern is here!!

Paradise Lane SAL: Week 4

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean
Welcome back to the Paradise Lane Sew-along (SAL)!!!  
Just joining us?  Catch yourself up on previous posts:
Together, we'll continue making our Small Throw quilt tops over the next three weeks.  Feel free to work ahead or behind; these blog posts will always be here for reference.
It's Week 4, and I'm talking about how I manage directional fabrics when sewing this quilt pattern. 

We're going to make five more blocks this week.

Since this quilt is constructed using four identical petals, I like to deal with directional fabric in a symmetrical way.  This makes dealing with directional fabric a bit easier for this quilt as you don't need to worry about cutting your fabric in any particular way, and you can address directions in either your petals, flower centers, or background using the same strategy.

The important thing to remember is to sew all of your petals in the exact same way so that when you sew them together, you end up with a symmetrical block where your directions end up facing each way.

I have a story saved to my highlights on Instagram where I talk this through with an example.  Feel free to take a listen!

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

Managing direction on the flower petal pieces is easy!  Sew everything in the same direction (see the picture above for an example) :)

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

When the direction fabric is either background or the center, you'll want to pay a little extra direction - particularly with your markings.  In order for the direction to be "up" once pressed, you'll need to mark the fabric with the print on its side.  To make sure you have it marked the correct way, you can flip the fabric up on the marking to test your print will be "up" once pressed as in the picture above.

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

Again, once you sew all of the components, you should have 4 identical petal pieces.

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

Then, once you sew them all together, you'll have one symmetrical block.

Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

Optional Instagram Post and this week's prize!

Post a picture using #paradiselanesal before midnight on Sunday, June 27, 2021, of your fabric pull to be entered to win this week's prize!  
This week's prize is a bundle of handmade soaps!!
Make sure your account is public so that I can see your post!  Good luck!!
Next week:
Since you'll be an absolute pro at sewing up these blocks by the end of the week, I'll share my method for chain piecing a few blocks at a sitting.
Happy Sewing!!
Paradise Lane Quilt Sew-along hosted by Nollie + Bean

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